In this paper, we describe a novel approach to the problem of storing in relational databases XML documents that conform to multiple XML schemas, which limits ...
This paper describes IDUX, an XML-based system designed to support the process of internationalizing data. A specific application of IDUX is to create ...
IDUX, an XML-based system designed to support the process of internationalizing data, is described, using a novel approach to interfacing databases and XML ...
This paper describes IDUX, an XML-based system designed to support the process of internationalizing data. A specific application of IDUX is to create ...
This paper describes IDUX, an XML-based system designed to support the process of internationalizing data. A specific application of IDUX is to create ...
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This paper describes IDUX, an XML-based system designed to support the process of internationalizing data. A specific application of IDUX is to create ...
This paper describes IDUX, an XML-based system designed to support the process of internationalizing data. A specific application of IDUX is to create ...
IDUX: Internationalization of Data Using XML · T. Müldner. Computer Science ; Software internationalization and localization in web based ERP · M. Aparicio.
Benoit et al. 2004 IDUX: Internationalization of Data Using XML. Stephens et al. 2002 Visual Basic. NET and XML: harness the power of XML in VB. NET ...
design and implementation of IDUX; a system for. Internationalization of Data Using XML. IDUX generalized IFW by allowing clients to use multiple XML schemas ...