Dec 24, 2013 · This paper concentrates on older people's use of ICT for education, some of this being formal but mostly informal, and adopts a socio-technical ...
This paper concentrates on older people's use of ICT for education, some of this being formal but mostly informal, and adopts a socio-technical framework based ...
Abstract People over 65 (or older people) are a growing proportion of the population in many developed countries including Australia.
This paper aims to study computer use and senior citizens' attitudes toward computer technology in the context of a 20-hour course in basic skills.
People also ask
... Education, Case Studies, Computer Uses in Education. ICT, Education and Older People in Australia: A Socio-Technical Analysis. Peer reviewed
ICT, education and older people in Australia: A socio-technical analysis. Arthur Tatnall. OriginalPaper 24 December 2013 Pages: 549 - 564. Development of ...
May 10, 2024 · Overall, we found evidence of ICT improving social connectedness of older people to some extent although more rigorous research in future is needed.
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Indeed, the odds of being a computer user were found to be 210% higher for better educated older individuals than for those with lower educational attainment ( ...
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Oct 10, 2023 · The proposed qualitative systematic review aims to explore barriers experienced by older adults aging in place in using ICT for social interaction.
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May 19, 2023 · Public attitudes towards technology have been studied extensively for decades, but older people were not largely involved in early studies.