Hyperblock formation is the main compiling technique to solve this limit affecting ELP, transforming the code in such a way as to eliminate conditional branches ...
Hyperblock formation is the main compiling technique to solve this limit affecting ELP, transforming the code in such a way as to eliminate conditional branches ...
Hyperblock Formation: A Power/Energy Perspective for High. Performance VLIW Architectures. Giuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania, Maurizio Palesi and Davide Patti.
Architectures based on Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors are an optimal choice in the attempt to obtain high performance levels in mobile devices ...
Hyperblock Formation: A Power/Energy Perspective for High Performance VLIW Architectures. ASCIA, Giuseppe;CATANIA, Vincenzo;PALESI, MAURIZIO;PATTI, DAVIDE.
Architectures based on very long instruction word (VLIW) processors are an optimal choice in the attempt to obtain high performance levels in mobile devices ...
Hyperblock Formation: A Power/Energy Perspective for High Performance VLIW Architectures. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2005, Japan ...
In this paper we propose tools and methodologies to cope efficiently with this complexity from a multi-objective perspective. We present EPIC-Explorer, an open ...
Hyperblock formation: a power/energy perspective for high performance VLIW architecturesmore. by Davide Patti. Publication Date: 2005. Research Interests ...
The hyperblock formation goals for VLIW and EDGE architectures are related since both apply if-conversion to expose scheduling or placement regions by ...