A decision support system that can collaborate with human users alleviates this problem by asking users to provide missing pieces of information or to perform.
A decision support system that can collaborate with human users alleviates this problem by asking users to provide missing pieces of information or to perform ...
In any situation the system aims to satisfy the rules by finding the actions to transform the environment state to conform to existing restrictions. The system ...
Abstract—Many lightweight installations of smart environ- ment systems do not have complex and expensive sensing and actuating capabilities, leaving parts ...
In this paper we present a smart system that uses declarative rules to describe the expected behavior of the environment. In any situation the system aims to ...
Human-Assisted Rule Satisfaction in Partially Observable Environments, In 11th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2014) ...
Human-Assisted Rule Satisfaction in Partially Observable Environments. Conference Paper. Full-text available. Dec 2014. Victoria Degeler ...
In some cases, accounting for partial observability makes it theoretically possible to recover the return function and thus the optimal policy, while in other ...
Missing: Satisfaction | Show results with:Satisfaction
Human-Assisted Rule Satisfaction in Partially Observable Environments · Viktoriya DegelerE. Curry ; Resilient Distributed Constraint Reasoning to Autonomously ...
We propose exploratory research directions to help tackle these challenges, experimentally validate both the theoretical concerns and potential mitigations, and ...