We show here that, in the case of the triple integrator, the observer presents global finite-time stability for any negative degree under constructive ...
Apr 8, 2015 · We show here that, in the case of the triple integrator, the ob- server presents global finite-time stability for any nega- tive degree under ...
It is shown here that, in the case of the triple integrator, the observer presents global finite-time stability for any negative degree under constructive ...
In this paper we consider the continuous homoge- neous observer defined in [1] in the case of the triple in- tegrator. In [1], convergence of the algorithm ...
We show here that, in the case of the triple integrator, the observer presents global finite-time stability for any negative degree under constructive ...
PDF | On Jul 17, 2015, Emmanuel Bernuau and others published Homogeneous continuous finite-time observer for the triple integrator | Find, read and cite all ...
This paper is a research related to finite-time stability. Different from traditional fixed-time, predefined-time, and prescribed time stability that more ...
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We show here that, in the case of the triple integrator, the observer presents global finite-time stability for any negative degree under constructive ...
The use of the homogeneity property in control and observer design is supported by a number of useful features, such as behaviour scalability (local (stability) ...
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