Abstract. Memory anomalies such as memory leaks can dramat- ically impact application performance and can even lead to crashes.
In this paper, we present ongoing research on using well-known tree visualization techniques to visualize such heap trees as well as their evolution over time.
Heap Evolution Analysis Using Tree Visualizations. 2. Page 3. MOTIVATION: MEMORY ANOMALIES. Memory. Time. Heap Evolution Analysis Using Tree Visualizations. 3 ...
In this paper, we present ongoing research on using well-known tree visualization techniques to visualize such heap trees as well as their evolution over time.
Memory cities is presented, a technique to visualize an application's heap memory evolution over time using the software city metaphor, and how it can be ...
Apr 5, 2021 · Memory Leak Analysis using Time-Travel-based and Timeline-based Tree Evolution Visualizations ... 2020: Heap Evolution Analysis Using Tree ...
Min Heap. Animation Speed. w: h: Algorithm Visualizations.
Missing: Evolution Analysis
Apr 11, 2019 · Users can group the heap objects by arbitrary criteria such as their types or their allocation sites and visually inspect the heap evolution per ...
Memory cities support the heap memory analysis of programs by displaying objects and their memory consumption in a 2.5D treemap and animating the allocation and ...
Our visualization augments the traditional calling-context tree with visual cues to characterize object allocation sites. We performed a qualitative study ...