In both cases, the LMS and normalized LMS algorithms guarantee that the energy of the estimation errors never exceeds the energy of the disturbances. Section VI ...
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We show that the celebrated least-mean squares (LMS) adaptive algorithm is H∞ optimal. The LMS algorithm has been long regarded as an approximate solution to ...
In this chapter we study adaptive filtering and show that the celebrated LMS (least-mean-squares) adaptive algorithm is H ∞ -optimal. The LMS algorithm has ...
The Least-Mean-Square (LMS) Algorithm · Engineering, Computer Science. Adaptive Filtering · 2019.
Abstract: We show that the celebrated least-mean squares (LMS) adaptive algorithm is H/sup /spl infin// optimal. The LMS algorithm has been long regarded as ...
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... H∞ optimality of the LMS algorithm provides such a connection. In addition to giving more insight into the inherent robust- ness of the LMS algorithm and ...
Oct 22, 2024 · In particular, the asymptotic behavior of least mean square (LMS) algorithms, invented in 1960 in [WH60], was unknown until the 1990s when ...
We will show that the LMS algorithm is H∞-optimal and a risk-averse algo- rithm. This is important in providing insight into the inherent robustness of the LMS ...
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results and show how they provide theoretical. justification. for. the. widely. observed. excellent. robustness properties. of. the. LMS. filter.
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We show that the celebrated LMS (Least-Mean Squares) adaptive algorithm is H ∞ optimal. In other words, the LMS algorithm, which has long been regarded as ...