Greedy Bidding Strategies A greedy bidding strategy for a player j is to choose a bid for the next round of a repeated keyword auction round so as to maximize his utility uj , assuming the bids of all other players b−j in the next round will remain fixed to their values in the previous round.
We consider greedy bidding strategies for a repeated auction on a single keyword, where in each round, each player chooses some optimal bid for the next round, ...
In this paper, we undertake a systematic exploration of a very natural class of greedy bidding strategies a software robot might use in a repeated keyword ...
We study the revenue, convergence and robustness properties of such strategies. Most interesting among these is a strategy we call the balanced bidding strategy ...
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In a model in which only one randomly chosen player updates each round according to the balanced bidding strategy, it is proved that convergence occurs with ...
The most common mechanism for keyword auctions is the Generalized Second Price (GSP) [23] , in which the agents are allocated slots in decreasing order of bids ...
An important shortcoming of greedy bidding strategies is the unrealistic assump- tion that all advertisers observe the bids previously submitted by their ...
Focus on Relevant Keywords: Make sure that you are targeting keywords that are relevant to your business and your target customers.
Missing: Greedy | Show results with:Greedy
In this work we have tried to find a optimal bidding strategy using the relationship between bid values and clicks that would increase the utility of a keyword ...
This paper explores the bidding behavior of advertisers in a sealed-bid environment, where each bidder does not know the current bids of others.