In this paper, we introduce two models, the dynamic mean operator (DYNAMO) and the dynamic covariance operator (DYNACO) conditional Gaussian graphical models, ...
Two models are introduced, the dynamic mean operator (DYNAMO) and the dynamic covariance operator ( DYNACO) conditional Gaussian graphical models, ...
In this paper, we introduce two models, the dynamic mean operator (DYNAMO) and the dynamic covariance op- erator (DYNACO) conditional Gaussian graphical models, ...
Andersen Chang , Tianyi Yao, Genevera I. Allen: Graphical Models and Dynamic Latent Factors for Modeling Functional Brain Connectivity. DSW 2019: 57-63.
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Graphical Models and Dynamic Latent Factors for Modeling Functional Brain Connectivity‏. A Chang, T Yao, GI Allen‏. IEEE DSW, 57-63, 2019‏. 23, 2019. Minipatch ...
In this project, we develop new methods to estimate scientifically meaningful functional neuronal connectivity networks using the graphical model framework.
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DGMs are a multivariate graphical model with time-varying coefficients that describe instantaneous directed relationships between nodes. A further benefit of ...
DFC models fall into a common framework with three key elements: dimensionality reduction, covariance estimation from time series, and identification of ...
Allen, “Graphical Models and Dynamic Factor Models for Modeling Functional Brain Connectivity”, In Proceedings of the IEEE Data Science Work- shop, 2019. 25 ...
This paper proposes a novel approach that combines dynamic linear models applied to graph data and variable selection through spike-and-slab pri- ors. The new ...