Dec 5, 2024 · We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm in a pose recovery application. 1 INTRODUCTION. Visual odometry is used in ...
We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm in a pose recovery application. 1 INTRODUCTION. Visual odometry is used in mobile robotics to measure the ...
This work proposes a graph matching algorithm aimed not only at rejecting erroneous matches but also at selecting additional useful ones, and demonstrates ...
This algorithm is an ensemble of successful ideas previously reported by other researchers. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm in a pose recovery ...
This algorithm is an ensemble of successful ideas previously reported by other researchers. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm in a pose recovery ...
In the present work we propose a graph matching algorithm aimed not only at rejecting erroneous matches but also at selecting additional useful ones. We use ...
We use both the graph structure to encode the geometrical information and the SIFT descriptors in the node's attributes to provide local texture information.
Graph matching using SIFT descriptors: an application to pose recovery of a mobile robot ... Graph Matching for Image-Features Association using SIFT Descriptors ...
In this paper we propose an effective modeling, based on a graph structure, and a retrieval strategy, based on a graph matching algorithm, for art paintings.
Graph matching using SIFT descriptors: an application to pose recovery of a mobile robot ... descriptors: an application to pose recovery of a mobile robot.