Our method, maximum difference histogram (MDH), is based on statistical gray level differences in the texture images. Using this method, it is possible to ...
Using this method, it is possible to estimate the grain size distributions in the images. It is also possible to monitor the average grain sizes in the image ...
Using this method, it is possible to estimate the grain size distributions in the images. It is also possible to monitor the average grain sizes in the image ...
Grain Size Measurement of Crystalline Products Using Maximum Difference Method. 407. Fig. 1. Grain images and their respective maximum difference histograms.
Experimental results obtained from images acquired from a carbohydrate crystallization process reveal that the proposed method, maximum difference histogram ...
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Bibliographic details on Grain Size Measurement of Crystalline Products Using Maximum Difference Method.
In this paper we present a novel method for the determination of grain size distributions in the manufacturing processes of crystalline products. Our method, ...
This calculator can determine crystallite or grain size by using XRD graph. Peak position and FWHM values are needed.
This scaling factor can then be used as a calibration factor that. 192 can be set using 2D XRD data from a known standard. 193. The laboratory investigation ...
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Crystallite size is generally measured by transmission-electron-microscopy, or by X-ray diffraction line-broadening. This is relevant to many ceramic forming ...