Jan 3, 2017 · Moreover, we discuss an alternative categorical epistasis model (CE) eliminating undesired properties of EGBLUP and show that the CE model can ...
Jan 3, 2017 · We discuss an alternative categorical epistasis model (CE) eliminating undesired properties of EGBLUP and show that the CE model can improve predictive ability.
Epistasis marker effect models incorporating products of marker values as predictor variables in a linear regression approach (extended GBLUP, EGBLUP) have ...
Genomic prediction with epistasis models: on the marker-coding-dependent performance of the extended GBLUP and properties of the categorical epistasis model (CE).
Jan 3, 2017 · Finally, we demonstrate that the coding-dependent performance of EGBLUP offers the possibility to incorporate prior experimental information ...
Genomic prediction with epistasis models: on the marker-coding-dependent performance of the extended GBLUP and properties of the categorical epistasis model (CE).
Genomic prediction with epistasis models: On the marker-coding-dependent performance of the extended. GBLUP and properties of the categorical epistasis model ( ...
Genomic prediction with epistasis models: on the marker-coding-dependent performance of the extended GBLUP and properties of the categorical epistasis model (CE).
of Genomic prediction with epistasis models: on the marker-coding-dependent performance of the extended GBLUP and properties of the categorical epistasis model ...
Genomic prediction with epistasis models: on the marker-coding-dependent performance of the extended GBLUP and properties of the categorical epistasis model (CE) ...