This paper describes and evaluates DQGen, which automatically generates multiple choice cloze questions to test a child's comprehen-.
This paper describes and evaluates DQGen, which automatically generates multiple choice cloze questions to test a child's comprehension while reading a given ...
Jack Mostow and Hyeju Jang. 2012. Generating Diagnostic Multiple Choice Comprehension Cloze Questions. In Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Building ...
Developing, evaluating, and refining an automatic generator of diagnostic multiple choice cloze questions to assess children's comprehension while reading*.
Developing, evaluating, and refining an automatic generator of diagnostic multiple choice cloze questions to assess children's comprehension while reading*.
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Developing, evaluating, and refining an automatic generator of diagnostic multiple choice cloze questions to assess children's comprehension while reading*.
Developing, evaluating, and refining an automatic generator of diagnostic multiple choice cloze questions to assess children's comprehension while reading.
We propose a novel approach to generating more challenging choices for reading comprehension questions by combining paraphrase generation with question ...
Oct 5, 2024 · CQG generates cloze questions of high quality and sur- passes the state-of-the-art results. Techniques used in CQG can also be used to generate ...
Jun 17, 2015 · We report an experiment to evaluate DQGen's performance in generating three types of distractors for diagnostic multiple-choice cloze ...