In this paper we consider generalized convexity and concavity properties of the optimal value functionf * for the general parametric optimization ...
Convexity and concavity properties of the optimal value functionf* are considered for the general parametric optimization problemP(ɛ) of the form min x f ...
In this paper we consider generalized. e v t. ;i-ed........... properties of the optimal value function f* for the general parametric optimization.
Generalized convexity and concavity of the optimal value function in nonlinear programming · J. Kyparisis, A. Fiacco · Published in Mathematical programming 1 ...
Generalized convexity and concavity of the optimal value function in nonlinear programming. In this paper we consider generalized convexity and concavity ...
Title. Generalized convexity and concavity of the optimal value function in nonlinear programming. Authors. Kyparisis, Jerzy; Fiacco, Anthony V. Publication ...
Convexity and concavity properties of the optimal value function f are considered for the general parametric optimization problem P E of the form min fx,E ...
Missing: Generalized | Show results with:Generalized
Convexity and generalized convexity properties of the optimal value function ... E-Convexity of the Optimal Value Function in Parametric Nonlinear Programming.
This work is concerned with exploring the new convexity and concavity properties of the optimal value function in parametric programming.
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A procedure is briefly described for calculating and improving the bounds as well as its extensions to generalized convex and concave functions. Several areas ...