Generalized Iterative Bayesian Update and Applications to Mechanisms for Privacy Protection. The iterative Bayesian update (IBU) and the matrix inversion (INV) are the main methods to retrieve the original distribution from noisy data resulting from the application of privacy protection mechanisms.
We then propose an extension of the method, covering a more general privacy model, where different users are allowed to apply different privacy mechanisms.
With IBU, we can apply the algorithm to the whole dataset only if all users have obfuscated the data with exactly the same mechanism and exactly the same.
Our results show that privacy is poorest for an adversary who has the least prior knowledge. We further extend this model to a more general one that considers ...
Sep 6, 2019 · The iterative Bayesian update (IBU) and the matrix inversion (INV) are the main methods to retrieve the original distribution from noisy data.
PDF | The iterative Bayesian update (IBU) and the matrix inversion (INV) are the main methods to retrieve the original distribution from noisy data.
Aug 1, 2023 · Abstract. This paper investigates the utility gain of using Iterative Bayesian Update (IBU) for private discrete distribution estimation using ...
Generalized iterative bayesian update and applications to mechanisms for privacy protection. E ElSalamouny, C Palamidessi. 2020 IEEE European Symposium on ...
Jul 19, 2023 · This paper investigates the utility gain of using Iterative Bayesian Update (IBU) for private discrete distribution estimation using data ...
This paper investigates the utility gain of using Iterative Bayesian Update for private discrete distribution estimation using data obfuscated with Locally ...