As a controllable, cost-effective, and realistic simulator [1] , games provide virtual worlds for AI to explore. A variety of real-life problems, such as real-time decision making [2, 3] , scheduling [4] , design [5, 6] and education [7] , can be reflected in such virtual worlds.
People also ask
Are there any AI-based games?
Why do AI researchers study game playing?
How AI is used in games?
Is game theory used in AI?
Today, video games use AI to enhance computer graphics and to create 'smart' opponents for a player to battle.
Jun 7, 2024 · This article provides a comprehensive review of recent games and game-based platforms for both game playing and design.
Jul 13, 2023 · Modern, open-world video games allow AI researchers to focus on fundamental AI topics such as multitask learning, life-long learning, common- ...
A layperson-friendly volume that explores the connections between games and intelligence to offer a new vision of future games and game design.
Apr 26, 2023 · This paper reviews the games and game-based platforms for artificial intelligence research, provides guidance on matching particular types of artificial ...
In this paper, we make a systematic review of typical research from 2018 on three application fields of game AI.