We found that Chinese gamers have notably larger and more diverse core networks than those of major studies. Coplaying patterns and attachment to the game ...
Through a survey of more than 18000 participants in a Chinese Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG), this study examines how the size and diversity of ...
This study examines how the size and diversity of Chinese gamers' core networks vary by individuals' sociodemographic, socioeconomic and game-related ...
We found that Chinese garners have notably larger and more diverse core networks than those of major studies. Coplaying patterns and attachment to the game ...
Feb 10, 2016 · With the assistance of a Chinese game company, KingSoft, over 18,000 gamers were recruited and surveyed in 2011 from Chevaliers' Romance 3 (CR3) ...
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1. 1. 1. 13. Gamers' Confidants: Massively Multiplayer Online Game Participation and Core Networks in China · Cuihua Shen,. Wenhong Chen. Social Networks. 1. 1.
Through a survey of more than 18,000 participants in a Chinese Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG), this study examines how the size and diversity of ...
Social capital, coplaying patterns, and health disruptions: A survey of Massively Multiplayer Online Game participants in China · List of references.
We found that Chinese gamers have notably larger and more diverse core networks than those of major studies. Coplaying patterns and attachment to the game ...
Dec 10, 2015 · Gamers' confidants: Massively multiplayer online game participation and core networks in China. Social Networks, 40, 207–214. 10.1016/j ...