May 1, 2014 · Quantified sentences are a very powerful notion for modelling statements in Natural Language (NL), but in practice they have been used to ...
Depending on the type of quantifier the sentences are also classified into two classes: type I sentences (“Q of X are A”) and type II sentences (“Q of D are A”) ...
... Fuzzification is the procedure for data pre-processing used in the proposed method, which transforms linguistic data [42, 44] or crisp numeric data [43,45] ...
Quantified sentences are a very powerful notion for modelling statements in Natural Language (NL), but in practice they have been used to solve several ...
On the relation between fuzzy and generalized quantifiers · Computer Science, Linguistics. Fuzzy Sets Syst. · 2016.
Fuzzy quantification: a state of the art. Work. HTML. Year: 2014. Type: article. Source: Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Authors Miguel Delgado‐Rodríguez, ...
Abstract. Quantified sentences are a very powerful notion for modelling statements in Natural Language (NL), but in practice they have.
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This paper is intended to offer a global view of the development on this branch until now, focusing in the different approaches dealing with quantification, ...
Fuzzy quantification: A state of the art. Delgado, M. Ruiz, M.D. · Sánchez, D. Vila, M.A.. Revista: Fuzzy Sets and Systems. ISSN: 0165-0114.