Abstract. This paper presents a case study on the implementation of IFPUG. FPA and COSMIC software measurement methods for a small real-time system.
People also ask
What is the functional size measurement?
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This paper presents a case study on the implementation of IFPUG FPA and COSMIC software measurement methods for a small real-time system.
Out of these seven software products, four are typical real-time systems, two are typical MIS systems and one is mostly MIS but includes some real-time.
The main objective of this paper is to explore, through a case study, the issue of the measurement adequacy of the COSMIC and IFPUG FPA measurement methods ...
... Software size in function points is a measure of the size of the product and can be used to evaluate and predict some aspects of the production process, ...
Abstract. Function Point Analysis (FPA) is a technique designed to measure the functional size of software products. The technique measures product size ...
This paper presents a case study on the implementation of IFPUG FPA and COSMIC software measurement methods for a small real-time system.
COSMIC functional size measurement is a method to measure a standard functional size of a piece of software.
Measuring the Functional Size of. Real-Time Software ... Reifer, D. J., “Asset-R: A Function Point Sizing Tool for Scientific and Real-Time Systems”,.
Our goal is to compare how well the two methods can be used in functional measurement of real-time and embedded systems. We applied both measurement methods to ...