We model constraints as integer programs that we relax into linear programs. For each value v in a variable domain dom(x), we create a binary variable x v . The ...
Abstract. We present a method for propagating linear constraints. Our technique exploits the fact that the interior point method converges on a central ...
Recently, many algorithms have been designed to propagate global constraints. Un- fortunately, some global constraints, such the AT-MOST-1 constraint and ...
We model constraints as integer programs that we relax into linear programs. For each value v in a variable domain dom(x), we create a binary variable xv. The ...
In this paper, a deterministic method is presented for globally solving the problem of sum of convex ratios over a nonconvex feasible region. The proposed ...
Jun 15, 2024 · We present an approach to compute bounds on the optimal value of linear programs based on constraint propagation.
Linear relaxations ; Type: Knapsack ; Rating: 4 (medium-difficult) ; Description: This set of examples requires Xpress Optimizerin addition to Xpress Kalis.
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The problem of finding the most probable (MAP) configuration in graphical models comes up in a wide range of applications. In a general graphical model this ...
Abstract This paper presents new techniques for filtering boxes in the presence of an additional quadratic constraint, a problem relevant for branch and ...
If there are equality constraints, then each equality constraint can be replaced by two linear inequality constraints, and these inequality constraints can be ...