This calibration technique uses a terminal point as a fixed reference point and rotates a 1-D object around it. For this calibration technique, at least six views of the 1-D object are required with three collinear points as reference. Many other researchers have been inspired by Zhang's algorithm.
Jan 23, 2019
This paper first describes an analytical method to solve the equations and then provides a step-by-step algorithm. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using ...
Four points: one-pass geometrical camera calibration algorithm · List of references · Publications that cite this publication. SECPNet—secondary encoding ...
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The process is as follows: first, to calibrate the principal point and aspect radio of camera solely, and use CCD shooting the high-precision calibration plate.
However, at least four image points are needed in every view to denote the coplanar feature in the 2D camera calibration. Can we do the camera calibration by ...
Four points: one-pass geometrical camera calibration algorithm · Computer Science, Engineering. The Visual Computer · 2019.
The proposed approach is based on the closed-form solution of principal lines with their intersection being the principal point while each principal line can ...
The calibration algorithm calculates the camera matrix using the extrinsic and intrinsic parameters. The extrinsic parameters represent a rigid transformation ...
The purpose of camera calibration is to establish a reliable transformation between the 3D world coordinates and the projected 2D pixel coordinates captured by ...
We describe a novel camera calibration algorithm for square, circle, and ring planar calibration patterns. An it- erative refinement approach is proposed ...