A solution that guarantees confidentiality of messages exchanged through semi-honest fog nodes thanks to a lightweight proxy re-encryption scheme.
This article proposes a novel fog-based architecture that enables secure local communications among IoT devices. The proposed solution combines the flexibility ...
This work proposes a solution that guarantees confidentiality of messages exchanged through semi-honest fog nodes thanks to a lightweight proxy ...
Fog computing improves the resiliency of IoT, but its security model assumes that fog nodes are fully trusted. We relax this latter constraint by proposing a ...
Fog computing improves the resiliency of IoT, but its security model assumes that fog nodes are fully trusted. We relax this latter constraint by proposing a ...
In IIoT networks, nodes offload their tasks to nearby fog nodes. Malicious nodes compromise the processing capacity of the fog node by uploading such offloaded ...
We have proposed a lightweight secure framework using Deep Learning (DL) techniques to detect security attacks and monitor the network traffic for IoT ...
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The fog brings security mechanisms near IoT devices reducing delays in communication, while FL enables a privacy-aware collaborative learning between IoT while ...
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This research introduces a fog computing encryption-based model for privacy preservation in the smart grid model.
Dec 4, 2023 · Fog Computing was formally introduced by Cisco as an extension of cloud computing which is close to the IoT devices in a network [26]. Cloud ...