Dec 28, 2005 · Light field rendering is a fundamental method of image-based rendering that synthesizes free-viewpoint images from a set of multiviewpoint ...
We also introduce a method of “all in-focus” image synthesis using the “focus measure,” and verify its effectiveness through experiments. 2. Background. Section ...
In this paper, we propose a new measure for stably evaluating the “focus” on synthesized images by light-field rendering.
Light field rendering is a method for generating free-viewpoint images from pre-acquired images captured by an array of cameras.
Bibliographic details on Focus measurement and all in-focus image synthesis for light-field rendering.
This paper proposes a focus measure that is specialized for synthetic images by light field rendering and shows that the proposed method effectively ...
This paper introduces a new image-based rendering method that uses input from an array of cameras and synthesizes high-quality free-viewpoint images in ...
Feb 13, 2023 · In this paper, we propose a light field synthesis algorithm that uses the focal stack images and the all-in-focus image to synthesize a 9 × 9 sub-aperture view ...
To each pixel on the synthesized image, the optimal depth layer is assigned automatically based on the on-the-fly focus measurement algorithm that we propose.
This method effectively integrates focused regions in each view into an all in-focus view without any local processing steps such as estimation of depth or ...
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