Aug 20, 2015 · Two prominent models are flow-based reputation (e.g., EigenTrust, PageRank) and subjective logic-based reputation. Flow-based models provide an ...
Feb 13, 2014 · Two prominent models are flow-based reputation (e.g., EigenTrust, PageRank) and Subjective Logic based reputation. Flow-based models provide an ...
Flow-based reputation models provide an automated method to aggregate all available trust information, but they are not able to express the level of uncertainty ...
This work observes that the 'opinion discounting' operation in subjective logic has a number of basic problems and provides a new discounting operator that ...
Two prominent models are flow-based reputation (e.g., EigenTrust, PageRank) and subjective logic-based reputation. Flow-based models provide an automated method ...
Flow-based reputation models provide an automated method to aggregate all available trust information, but they are not able to express the level of uncertainty ...
Mar 1, 2019 · A couple months ago I was reading a paper called Flow-based reputation with uncertainty: evidence-based subjective logic.
During this flow, lack of trust in the party from whom evidence is received is translated into a reduction of the amount of evidence; this reduction is ...
Flow-based reputation with uncertainty: evidence-based subjective logic ... CertainLogic: a logic for modeling trust and uncertainty. In: Trust and ...
Two prominent models are flow-based reputation (e.g., EigenTrust, PageRank) and subjective logic-based reputation. Flow-based models provide an automated method ...
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