Sep 4, 2023 · This article proposes a distributed fixed-time fault-tolerant control methodology for networked six-degree-of-freedom fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
Dec 1, 2023 · This article proposes a distributed fixed-time fault-tolerant control methodology for networked six-degree-of-freedom fixed-wing unmanned ...
This paper proposes a distributed fixed-time fault-tolerant control methodology for networked six-degree-of-freedom fixed-wing UAVs whose models are ...
Dec 8, 2023 · This article proposes a distributed fixed-time fault-tolerant con- trol methodology for networked six-degree-of-freedom fixed-wing un- manned ...
Dive into the research topics of 'Fixed-Time Antisaturation Cooperative Control for Networked Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Considering Actuator Failures' ...
Bibliographic details on Fixed-Time Antisaturation Cooperative Control for Networked Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Considering Actuator Failures.
Fixed-Time Antisaturation Cooperative Control for Networked Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Considering Actuator Failures. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron ...
Fixed-time anti-saturation cooperative control for networked fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles considering actuator failures. M Lv, CK Ahn, B Zhang, A Fu.
This paper proposes an adaptive fault-tolerant cooperative control (FTCC) scheme for networked unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the presence of actuator ...
Lv, Fixed-time antisaturation cooperative control for networked fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles considering actuator failures, IEEE Trans. Aerosp ...