Apr 19, 2011 · A new technique called fixed block compression boosting, which is a simpler and faster alternative to optimal compression boosting and implicit compression ...
Jun 29, 2018 · The goal is to minimise the space overhead per block without increasing query times. The main components of the overhead are the storage of the ...
Our main result is a new technique called fixed block compression boosting, which is a simpler and faster alternative to optimal compression boosting and ...
A new technique called fixed block compression boosting, which is a simpler and faster alternative to optimal compression boosting and implicit compression ...
This paper describes new FM-index variants that combine nice theoretical properties, simple implementation and improved practical performance, and describes ...
Our main result is a new technique called fixed block compression boosting, which is a simpler and faster alternative to optimal compression boosting and ...
Our main result is a new technique called fixed block compression boosting, which is a simpler and faster alternative to optimal compression boosting and ...
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Fixed Block Compression Boosting in FM-Indexes: Theory and Practice ; Journal: Algorithmica, 2018, № 4, p. 1370-1391 ; Publisher: Springer Science and Business ...
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Our main result is a new technique called fixed block compression boosting, which is a simpler and faster alternative to optimal compression boosting and ...