Stability therefore can be an important element in the design of routing protocols. Stable routes, also called long-lived routes, can be discovered and used to ...
An overview of the different approaches used to find the stable paths, a survey of some of the stability based routing protocols along with their strengths ...
We propose the long-lived route prediction (LRP) scheme to discover stable routes. The LRP scheme is distributed and predicts long-lived routes based on the ...
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is an infrastructureless and highly dynamic network. Routes in such a network may fail frequently because of node.
Abstract. Efficient, dynamic routing is one of the key challenges in mobile ad hoc networks. In the recent past, this problem was addressed by many.
By means of simulation, statistical methods are introduced to estimate the stability of paths chosen according to a variety of strategies, including those ...
Identifying stable paths helps to reduce control traffic and the number of connection interruptions. By means of simulation, we analyse the stability of paths ...
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Indeed, the selection of a shorter route leads to a more stable route, but to a greater energy consumption. On the other hand, if longer routes are selected the ...
Stability Based Routing in Mobile Ad hoc. Networks. Mandeep Kaur Gulati. PG ... different approaches for finding stable paths are surveyed in this section ...
Jul 12, 2024 · In this paper, we propose to use link availability estimation technique to select the most stable route from among the alternate paths. The ...