Find the most suspicious tax evasion groups from a taxpayer interest interacted network. Abstract: Ranking similar structure groups/subgraphs can contribute ...
inspired by social network analysis, this paper coins a definition of a taxpayer interest interacted network (TPIIN), in which persons or companies act as ...
Find the most suspicious tax evasion groups from a taxpayer interest interacted network ; Xing Wan ; Tian Lan ; Tianliang Qi.
Ranking similar structure groups/subgraphs can contribute to importantly practical applications, such as finding the most suspicious tax evasion group ...
Find the most suspicious tax evasion groups from a taxpayer interest interacted network ... Ranking similar structure groups/subgraphs can contribute to ...
To accomplish the tax evasion detection task by discovering suspicious groups in a TPIIN, methods for building a patterns tree and matching component patterns ...
Missing: Find most
Sep 7, 2020 · In this paper, we present TaxThemis, an interactive visual analytics system to help tax officers mine and explore suspicious tax evasion groups ...
In this demonstration, we present ATTENet, a novel visual analytic system for detecting and explaining suspicious affiliated-transaction-based tax evasion ...
Missing: Find most
The researchers emphasized the feasibility of using public data to tackle tax evasion and demonstrated the potential of using neural networks for heterogeneous ...
directed trails, we can find potential suspicious groups by taxpayer interest interacted network. Nodes can be identifying two trails with the same ...