We show that fibrational semantics corresponds with the traditional declarative (ground) semantics and deduce a soundness and completeness result for our SLD- ...
Jul 18, 2008 · Due to its non-groundness, fibra- tional semantics can be easily and naturally related to operational semantics and SLD-resolution: neither ...
We show that fibrational se- mantics corresponds with the traditional declarative (ground) semantics and deduce a soundness and completeness result for our SLD- ...
PDF | We introduce a fibrational semantics for many-valued logic programming, use it to define an SLD-resolution for annotation-free many valued logic.
We show that fibrational semantics corresponds with the traditional declarative (ground) semantics and deduce a soundness and completeness result for our SLD- ...
We show that fibrational semantics corresponds with the traditional declarative (ground) semantics and deduce a soundness and completeness result for our SLD- ...
We show that fibrational semantics corresponds with the traditional declarative (ground) semantics and deduce a soundness and completeness result for our SLD- ...
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Fibrational Semantics for Many-Valued Logic Programs: Grounds for Non-Groundness. JELIA '08: Proceedings of the 11th European conference on Logics in Artificial ...
Fibrational semantics for many-valued logic programs: Grounds for non-groundness. Ekaterina Komendantskaya*, John Power. *Corresponding author for this work.