Feature refactoring is the process of decomposing a program into a set of modules, called features, that encapsulate increments in pro- gram functionality.
Feature refactoring is the process of decomposing a program into aset of modules, called features, that encapsulate increments in program functionality.
PDF | Abstract Feature refactoringis the process of decomposing a program into a set of modules, called features, that encapsulate increments in pro-.
Bibliographic details on Feature refactoring a multi-representation program into a product line.
A Feature Model Based Framework for Refactoring Software Product Line Architecture ... Feature Refactoring a Multi-Representation Program into a Product Line. In ...
We address the problem of refactoring existing, closely related prod- ucts into product line representations. Our approach is based on comparing and matching ...
Trujillo et al. Feature refactoring a multi-representation program into a product line. GPCE 2006. (2006). S. Apel. Feature-oriented Software Product Lines.
Feature oriented refactoring (FOR) is the process of decomposinga program into features, where a feature is an increment in programfunctionality.
We discuss how the notion guides and improves safety of the PL derivation and evolution processes; the transformation templates, particularly when automated, ...
This work discusses how the notion of product line refactoring and associated transformation templates that should be part of a PL refactored catalogue ...