To avoid wasting network resources on overlay redirection, we introduce our scheduling algorithm [6] into the peers on the overlay to distribute most important ...
To avoid wasting network re- sources on overlay redirection, we introduce our scheduling algorithm [6] into the peers on the overlay to distribute most.
In this paper, we propose a scheduling method to reduce the waiting time for selecting peers in P2P streaming by selecting peers and considering the available ...
A segment scheduling algorithm for Peer to Peer (P2P) Video-on-Demand (VoD) streaming services is necessary to a mobile adhoc networks (MANET).
Oct 21, 2013 · The basic idea in Pull-based P2P Video Streaming is that the overlay is constructed in such a way to optimize some parameters such as the delay, ...
Nov 14, 2024 · Any Peer-to-Peer (P2P) streaming system consists of two distinct but related components: overlay construction and piece scheduling. Besides ...
Jan 31, 2007 · Extensive simulation results demonstrate that BAS can provide a faster response time with less control cost than the existing search methods, ...
The evaluations show that the streaming overlays converge faster when our market model works on top of the Gradient overlay. A. H. Payberah (B) · J. Dowling · F ...
It is clear that the more children a proxy serves, the higher the scheduling delay is. Propagation delay is the time for the segment to travel from one proxy to ...
In P2P live streaming, the startup mechanism used by peers directly determines their streaming performance when they first join a channel or recover from ...
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