This paper presents computationally efficient rea- soning properties that greatly reduce the search space and thus help agents quickly reason about categories ...
The RCC is a qualitative approach to spatial reasoning. It was developed in an attempt to build a commonsense reasoning model for space, and its remarkable ...
Efficient reasoning about categories is becoming of great importance as intelligent agents are required to perform complex tasks in data-rich environments.
Efficient reasoning about categories is becoming of great importance as intelligent agents are required to perform complex tasks in data-rich environments.
Efficient reasoning about categories is becoming of great importance as in- telligent agents are required to perform complex tasks in data- ...
Efficient reasoning about categories is becoming of great importance as intelligent agents are required to perform complex tasks in data-rich environments.
Fast qualitative reasoning about categories in conceptual spaces. Design and application of hybrid intelligent systems · Basic-level categories: A review.
In this paper we show how algorithms developed in computational geometry, and the Region Con- nection Calculus can be used to model important aspects of ...
In particular, Rips saw that similarity among categories and the degree of typicality of premise-categories were guiding principles of this kind of reasoning.
Missing: Fast | Show results with:Fast
Reasoning about categories in conceptual spaces. Peter Gärdenfors, Mary-Anne Williams. Cognitive Science. Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference ...
Missing: Fast Qualitative