May 29, 2005 · A term-rewriting system is fairly-terminating iff all its fair derivations are finite. The paper presents the following question: is it ...
The authors introduce the notion of fairness into the theory of term rewriting systems by calling a derivation fair if every rule infinitely often enabled ...
A term-rewriting system is fairly-terminating iff all its fair derivations are finite. The paper presents the following question: is it decidable, for an ...
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Term rewriting systems are attractive because of their simple syntax and semantics|at least those TRS's that do not involve bound variables such as -calculus, ...
A Term Rewriting System (TRS) in Computer Science is defined as a set of rewrite rules that specify how terms can be transformed into other terms.
Missing: Fairness | Show results with:Fairness
Apr 26, 2011 · Research on term rewriting systems is usually about abstract properties of rewriting systems such as confluence, determinism and termination, ...
Missing: Fairness | Show results with:Fairness
A completion procedure is fair iff every non-failing run is fair. Theorem 6.1. Every fair completion procedure is correct.
We start the book by presenting some basic examples of rewriting, in order to set the stage. At school, many of us have been drilled to simplify arithmetical ...
In this paper we combine rewriting techniques with verification issues. More precisely, we show how techniques for proving relative termination of term ...