In this paper, we present a knowledge model for the representation and management of all kinds of disasters, and based on this knowledge model, a approach of ...
In this paper, we present a knowledge model for the representation and management of all kinds of disasters, and based on this knowledge model, a approach of ...
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Extraction and Representation of Feature Events Based on a Knowledge Model. The Model Representation in Emergency Management System · Study on the ...
Event extraction transforms unstructured text into a structured description of what happened. Add semantic modeling and a knowledge graph and you get knowledge ...
Jiangnan Qiu, Yunjie Du, Yanzhang Wang: Extraction and Representation of Feature Events Based on a Knowledge Model. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2008: ...
In this paper, we present a knowledge model for the representation and management of all kinds of disasters, and based on this knowledge model, a approach of ...
Abstract. This paper describes the work on automated Information Extraction that accepts arbitrary text and extracts information from the text.
Nov 5, 2021 · Event Extraction corpora are annotated by professionals or experts with domain knowledge and used to train or evaluate models. This section ...
This work presents a framework for predicting the likelihood of terrorist incidents within a specific time period in a target country based on machine learning ...
The proposed event modeling architecture consists of five major components: preprocessing, event trigger identification, event semantic elements extraction, ...