Instead, certain choices are left to the agent running the program and determining an optimal action selection policy involves solving a Markov Decision.
Contents. IJCAI'03: Proceedings of the 18th international joint conference on Artificial intelligence. Extending DTGOLOG with options. Pages 1394 - 1395 ...
Extending DTGOLOG with Options. Ferrein, A., Fritz, C., & Lakemeyer, G. In ... Morgan Kaufmann. Extending DTGOLOG with Options [pdf] Paper bibtex 1 download
DTGOLOG [Boutilier et al., 2000] can be thought of, roughly, as a programming language which allows a user to combine pre-defined primitive actions into complex ...
Decision-theoretic Golog (DTGolog) [2] is an extension to. Golog to reason with probabilistic models of uncertain actions. The formal underlying model is that ...
As a first step, the idea of options is introduced into DTGOLOG [16]. The user is able to define so-called local MDPs to describe sub-problems. These MDPs are ...
We propose a framework for robot programming which allows the seamless integration of explicit agent programming with decision-theoretic planning.
We try to keep our presentation as generic as possible to indicate how our modeling framework can be applied or extended to other decision-making environments.
Readylog is a logic-based agent programming language and combines many important features from other Golog dialects. One of the features of Readylog is to ...
In this paper, we study planning in stochastic systems, modeled as Markov decision processes (MDPs), with preferences over temporally extended goals. Prior ...