Our results show that procedural DCK improves the performance of SOA planners, and that our heuristics are sometimes key to achieving good performance.
Jul 17, 2023 · Domain control knowledge (DCK) has proven effective in improving the efficiency of plan generation by reducing the search space for a plan.
Domain control knowledge (DCK) has proven effective in improving the efficiency of plan generation by reducing the search space for a plan. Procedural DCK ...
Domain control knowledge (DCK) has proven effective in improving the efficiency of plan generation by reducing the search space for a plan. Procedural DCK ...
PDF | Domain control knowledge (DCK) has proven effective in improving the efficiency of plan generation by reducing the search space for a plan.
The proposed compilation of procedural DCK directly into PDDL2.1 can significantly speed up the performance of a heuristic search planner and it is argued ...
It can (conditionally) constrain the or- der in which domain actions should appear in a plan. In or- der to exploit it for planning, we require a procedural DCK.
The proposed compilation of procedural DCK directly into PDDL2.1 can significantly speed up the performance of a heuristic search planner and it is argued ...
Jorge A. Baier, Christian Fritz, Sheila A. McIlraith: Exploiting Procedural Domain Control Knowledge in State-of-the-Art Planners. ICAPS 2007: 26-33.
[PDF] Generalized Planning with Procedural Domain Control Knowledge
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Our procedure calling mechanism allows nested and recursive procedure calls and is implemented in PDDL so that clas- sical planners can compute and exploit ...