We present a parallel implementation of Coalgebraic Logic Programming (CoALP) in the programming language Go. CoALP was initially introduced to reflect ...
Dec 16, 2013 · We present a parallel implementation of Coalgebraic Logic Programming (CoALP) in the programming language Go. CoALP was initially introduced to ...
Here, we discuss how the coalgebraic semantics influenced our parallel implementation of logic programming. Keywords: Coinduction, Corecursion, Guardedness, ...
We present a parallel implementation of Coalgebraic Logic Programming (CoALP) in the programming language Go. CoALP was initially introduced to reflect ...
We present a parallel implementation of Coalgebraic Logic Programming (CoALP) in the programming language Go. CoALP was initially introduced to reflect ...
This work suggests that a coalgebraic semantics for logic programming, where the behavior of a goal is represented by a parallel model of computation called ...
Exploiting parallelism in coalgebraic logic programming. Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Martin Schmidt, Jonathan Heras. Research output: Contribution to journal ...
Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Martin Schmidt, Jónathan Heras : Exploiting Parallelism in Coalgebraic Logic Programming. WACT 2013: 121-148.
We present a parallel implementation of Coalgebraic Logic Programming (CoALP) in the programming language Go. CoALP was initially introduced to reflect ...
Such definitions give rise to questions of lazy corecursive derivations and parallelism, as execution of such logic programs can have both recursive and ...