Basically, a robot in layered evolution is controlled by a subsumption-style controller where each layer is an evolutionary neural network of one of several ...
May 6, 2004 · An approach to robotics called layered evolution and merging features from the subsumption architecture into evolutionary robotics is presented.
It is argued that layered evolution provides a superior approach for many tasks, and it is suggested that this approach may be the key to scaling up ...
An approach to robotics called layered evolution and merging features from the subsumption architecture into evolutionary robotics is presented.
Cite Email Print Share. Evolution of a subsumption architecture neurocontroller. Authors: Togelius, Julian. Article Type: Research Article. Abstract: An ...
An approach to robotics called layered evolution and merging features from the subsumption architecture into evolutionary robotics is presented, ...
Mar 11, 2011 · An approach to robotics called layered evolution and merging features from the subsumption architecture into evolutionary robotics is presented.
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We propose a method to evolve the Subsumption Architecture to control autonomous robots. Each layers of the subsumption architecture was subdivided into ...
Missing: Neurocontroller | Show results with:Neurocontroller
It is argued that layered evolution provides a superior approach for many tasks, and future research projects involving this approach are suggested.
An approach to robotics called layered evolution and merging features from the subsumption architecture into evolutionary robotics is presented, and its ...