Over 40 years ago, Tutte [Tut61] proved the fundamental result that every 3-connected graph on more than 4 vertices contains a contractible edge. Since then, ...
Mar 19, 2012 · Moreover, we show that every spanning tree of G contains a contractible edge if G is 3-regular or if G does not contain two disjoint pairs of ...
It is shown that every spanning tree of G contains a contractible edge if G is 3-regular or if G does not contain two disjoint pairs of adjacent degree-3 ...
Moreover, we show that every spanning tree of G contains a contractible edge if G is 3-regular or if G does not contain two disjoint pairs of adjacent degree-3 ...
Jan 1, 2013 · Tutte proved that every 3-connected graph G on more than 4 vertices contains a contractible edge. We strengthen this result by showing that every depth-first- ...
Oct 22, 2024 · The answer is no, as it has been shown in [4] that every DFS tree of every 3-connected graph nonisomorphic to K 4 does contain a 3-contractible ...
The main result of this paper is a linear time algorithm that, given an SC 3-tree (i.e. a maximal planar chordal graph), determines in linear time whether it ...
The main result of this paper is a linear time algorithm that, given an SC 3-tree (i.e. a maximal planar chordal graph), determines in linear time whether it ...
Every DFS tree of a 3-connected graph contains a contractible edge ; Publikationsdatum. 2013 ; Sprache. English ; Author. Elmasry, Amr · Mehlhorn, Kurt · Schmidt, ...
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Oct 28, 2016 · ... edges, and (e) every DFS tree of a 3-connected graph nonisomorphic to K_4, the prism, or the prism plus a single edge has two 3-contractible ...