This paper proposes an evaluation scheme to measure the performance of a system that detects hierarchical event structure for event coreference resolution.
This paper proposes an evaluation scheme to measure the performance of a system that detects hierarchical event structure for event coreference resolution.
It is shown that each system output is represented as a forest of unordered trees, and the notion of conceptual event hierarchy is introduced to simplify ...
A system response (ignoring member relations):. A conceptual event hierarchy simplifies the evaluation for partial coreference. Evaluation Metrics.
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This paper proposes an evaluation scheme to measure the performance of a system that detects hierarchical event structure for event coreference resolution.
[31] proposes evaluation methods for partial event coreference - here including sub-event relation and ... Evaluation for partial event coreference. ACL ...
Introduction. In this paper, we address the task of event coreference resolution specified in the Automatic Content Extraction.
Introduction. In this paper, we address the task of event coreference resolution specified in the Automatic Content Extraction.
The evaluation metrics we adopted in this set of experiments are Precision (P), Recall (R) and F-Measure. (F). We then validated our agglomerative clustering.