The results show that explicitly addressing inconsistencies between choices and motivations improves the estimation of an individual's value preferences. The ...
The results show that explicitly addressing inconsistencies between choices and motivations improves the estimation of an individual's value preferences. The ...
We propose methods for an AI agent to estimate the value preferences of individuals in a hybrid participatory system.
We propose methods for an AI agent to estimate the value preferences of individuals in a hybrid participatory system, considering a setting where participants ...
Feb 26, 2024 · We envision a hybrid participatory system where participants make choices and provide motivations for those choices, and AI agents estimate ...
The results show that explicitly addressing inconsistencies between choices and motivations improves the estimation of an individual's value preferences. The ...
A quantitative model is run for multiple input combinations within the plausible range, and the results provide the final value/state for each system element.
We offer a systematic overview, assessment, and categorization of methods to assist modelers and stakeholders with their choices and decisions.
Group Recommender Systems generate recommendations that intend to satisfy a group of users as a whole, instead of individual users. In this article, we present ...
Missing: Value Participatory
May 6, 2024 · In this work, we introduce hybrid PB, formulate mathematical objectives related to utilitarian welfare and fairness in hybrid PB, and propose PB ...