This paper presents an energy-efficient optimal power control policy with finite discrete inputs in the presence of statistical quality of service (QoS) ...
This paper proposes optimal power adaptation schemes that maximize the energy efficiency (EE) in the presence of Markovian sources and finite-alphabet ...
Apr 25, 2024 · Energy-efficient power control with finite discrete inputs under quality of service constraints. CISS 2016: 76-81. [c22]. view. electronic ...
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This paper proposes optimal power adaptation schemes that maximize the energy efficiency (EE) in the presence of Markovian sources and finite-alphabet ...
In this work, we study the cross-layer problem of QoS- constrained joint power and rate control in wireless networks using a game-theoretic framework. We ...
Missing: discrete inputs
In this paper, we develop statistical delay-bounded QoS-driven power control policies to maximize the effective energy efficiency (EEE), which is defined as the ...
This paper studies energy-efficiency and throughput optimization in the presence of randomly arriving data and quality of service (QoS) constraints. For this ...
Wideband slope has emerged as a tool that enables us to analyze the energy efficiency at low but nonzero power levels and at large but finite bandwidths. In [2] ...
Jan 29, 2019 · In this project, our research on mmWave networking, cognitive radio systems, and energy-efficient power control under delay constraints have ...
This paper studies energy-efficiency (EE) and throughput optimization in the presence of randomly arriving data and quality of service (QoS) constraints.