Sep 7, 2016 · We show that the active DNS datasets can be use for early detection of financial and other Internet threats. Our analysis shows that more than ...
Sep 19, 2016 · Such datasets will enable the development of new algorithms that can enable the early detection, tracking, and overall lifetime of modern ...
Most modern cyber crime leverages the Domain Name System (DNS) to attain high levels of network agility and make detection of Internet abuse challenging.
Various DNS tunnelling detection techniques were utilised in a cloud environment to create an effective monitoring system with a reliable detection rate, ...
This project actively submits iterative and recursive DNS lookups for global TLDs (eg, COM, NAME, NET, ORG, BIZ) and lists of domain names.
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To enable DNS Security, you must create (or modify) an Anti-Spyware security profile to access the DNS Security service, configure the log severity and policy ...
Missing: Datasets. | Show results with:Datasets.
We perform a wide-scale analysis of active and passive. DNS datasets for the Alexa top 1 million domains in order to identify dependencies on service providers.
The dataset described in this manuscript is meant for supervised machine learning-based analysis of malicious and non-malicious domain names.
The article covers the architecture developed to perform the anonymisation of active DNS traffic measurement. Data is anonymised on the fly using a proposed ...
Active DNS Lookups. Active DNS lookups (aDNS) can be performed on domain names extracted from public datasets, including zone files2 and public blocklists [44],.