Ubiquitous computing technologies enable new in situ data-collection opportunities that can reveal insights into mobile users' behaviors and preferences ...
Jun 7, 2013 · Ubiquitous computing technologies enable new in situ data-collection opportunities that can reveal insights into mobile users' behaviors and ...
Ubiquitous computing technologies enable new in situ data-collection opportunities that can reveal insights into mobile users' behaviors and preferences.
Ubiquitous computing technologies enable new in situ data-collection opportunities that can reveal insights into mobile users' behaviors and preferences.
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Ubiquitous computing technologies enable new in situ data-collection opportunities that can reveal insights into mobile users' behaviors and preferences.
Rather it speaks to profound behavioral changes so that all data associated with an investigation are collected, organized, and made shareable (e.g., FAIR).
This study used a qualitative data collection method to obtain relevant empirical and literature data to understand the integration of 6G technology in rural ...
PDF | Research on ubiquitous information systems (UIS) has recently gained attention in the IS community. But dedicated empirical instruments that are.
Bibliographic details on Empirical Research through Ubiquitous Data Collection.
Sep 24, 2008 · The collection subscale measures the concern that extensive amounts of personally identifiable data are being collected and stored in databases.