Given sampled source and camera subpaths, standard BDPT forms complete paths by directly connecting every vertex in one subpath to every vertex in the other.
A procedure for efficiently sampling paths with a predetermined length, and incorporating it within rendering frameworks tailored towards simulating time-gated ...
During the last decade, we have been witnessing the continued development of new time-of-flight imaging devices, and their increased use in numerous.
We develop a path-sampling technique that generates paths with a predetermined target length. This technique is a variant of standard bidirectional path ...
Jul 12, 2019 · This work introduces a procedure for efficiently sampling paths with a predetermined length, and incorporates it within rendering frameworks ...
[2019] introduced ellipsoidal connections for time-gated rendering, also using additional vertices to control path length, but for surfaces instead of media.
On top of these, the ToF renderer and ellipsoidal connections for time-gated rendering are added. ... title={Ellipsoidal path connections for time-gated rendering ...
Fig. 1. We introduce a new theory for computing derivatives of time-gated renderings. Our theory captures high-order light transport effects such as soft.