When the robot is not moving then the event-driven controller reduces the CPU usage by 78% in comparison to the synchronous reference controller. When the robot ...
This work focuses on exploiting the efficiency of event-driven information to design a novel event-driven reactive skin controller for robots with large scale ...
The results show that the event-driven reactive skin controller always outperforms the synchronous reference controller while both controllers show exactly the ...
Efficient event-driven reactive control for large scale robot skin. Florian Bergner, Emmanuel C. Dean-Leon, Gordon Cheng. Efficient event-driven reactive ...
The event-driven robot skin system enables efficient multi-modal large area tactile perception, which is a prerequisite for realizing reactive whole-body ...
The results show that the event-based system has superior performance and its performance edge increases with larger numbers of skin cells and higher sample ...
Mar 31, 2020 · This work now provides the consolidated foundations for realizing, designing, and understanding large-area event-driven e-skin systems for effective ...
Efficient event-driven reactive control for large scale robot skin. F Bergner, E Dean-Leon, G Cheng. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and ...
Experimental validation on our real robot system shows that in reactive control the event-based system reduces in comparison to the conventional system the ...
Our event driven robot skin reduces the network usage by at least 21.2% and the CPU usage in a standard tactile control system by at least 17% [17] . We ...