This paper introduces the Dynamic Unifier and reConfigurable blocK (DUCK), a new structure to perform efficiently dynamic reconfiguration. The DUCK allows to ...
Jan 12, 2010 · Dynamic reconfiguration on fine-grained architecture can only be reached by multi-context FPGAs when reconfiguration time is a critical ...
Dynamic reconfiguration on fine-grained architecture can only be reached by multi-context FPGAs when reconfiguration time is a critical issue.
The Dynamic Unifier and reConfigurable blocK (DUCK), a new structure to perform efficiently dynamic reconfiguration that allows to separate the ...
ABSTRACT. Dynamic reconfiguration on fine-grained architecture can only be reached by multi-context FPGAs when reconfigura- tion time is a critical issue.
Reconfigurable devices like FPGA offers improved computational efficiency as compared to traditional processor architectures. Reconfigurable block in these ...
Efficient Dynamic Reconfiguration for Multi-Context Embedded FPGA by Julien Lallet, Sebastien Pillement, Olivier Sentieys.
Also, we propose two viable and efficient architectures for multi-context FPGAs. Finally, we present the opportunity for inter-region configuration swaps ...
Dynamic reconfiguration on fine-grained architecture can only be reached by multi-context FPGAs when reconfiguration time is a critical issue.
An architecture allowing the separation of a parallel program communication from its kernels computation in order to make easier the future partial dynamic ...