Mar 2, 2011 · Efficient algorithm for maximum lifetime many-to-one data aggregation in wireless sensor networks. Deying Li,; Qinghua Zhu and; Wenping Chen.
Data aggregation problem with maximising network lifetime is one of important issues in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we study the maximum ...
This paper proposes efficient algorithms to solve the maximum lifetime many-to-one data gathering with aggregation (MLMTODA) problem: given locations of ...
In [25] Li et al. propose an efficient algorithm to solve the maximum lifetime many-to-one data gathering International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 3 ...
Finally, we can compute a collection of aggregation trees from an admissible flow network G with lifetime. T by using the GetSchedule algorithm in figure 3, ...
Missing: many- | Show results with:many-
In this paper, we describe novel algorithms for data gathering and aggregation in sensor networks. We define the lifetime of a sensor network to be the time ...
Missing: many- | Show results with:many-
Title: Efficient algorithm for maximum lifetime many-to-one data aggregation in wireless sensor networks · Authors: Deying Li, Qinghua Zhu, Wenping Chen.
This paper studies energy efficient routing for data aggregation in wireless sensor networks. Our goal is to maximize the lifetime of the network.
Missing: many- one
In the process of in-network aggregation, the value generated at each sensor in each round must influence the value that reaches the base-station in that round ...
Abstract: Data aggregation problem with maximising network lifetime is one of important issues in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we study the ...
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