Jul 30, 2014 · We propose an algorithm to find the stationary distribution of the resulting level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death (LDQBD) process, and hence ...
Abstract—Engset's model of resource blocking with a finite population has recently been generalized to allow blocked users.
This work proposes an algorithm to find the stationary distribution of the resulting level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death (LDQBD) process, and hence the ...
Abstract—Engset's model of resource blocking with a finite population has recently been generalized to allow blocked users.
Efficient generalized engset blocking calculation. Jianan Zhang, Lachlan Leicester Henry Andrew. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Other ...
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The Engset formula is used to determine the blocking probability in a bufferless queueing system with a finite population of sources. Applications to bufferless ...
Missing: Calculation. | Show results with:Calculation.
In contrast, the Engset model assumes a new burst can be generated immediately after a blocking event which results in blocking probability overestimation.
Missing: Efficient | Show results with:Efficient
This thesis is a study on mathematical models for calculating blocking probabilities and dimensioning of multicast networks. Multicasting is a bandwidth ...
Oct 22, 2024 · The Engset formula is used to determine the blocking probability in a bufferless queueing system with a finite population of sources.
This paper points out Syski's apparent oversight, improves the accuracy of his approximation, and provides an efficient algorithm for its numerical computation ...