The use of partitions makes the discovery of approximate functional dependencies easy and efficient, and the erroneous or exceptional rows can be identified ...
In our broad experimental evaluation, Pyro outperforms existing discovery algorithms by a factor of up to 33, scales to larger datasets, and at the same time ...
The use of partitions makes the discovery of approximate functional dependencies easy and efficient, andthe erroneous or exceptional rows can be identified ...
The use of partitions also makes the discovery of approximate functional dependencies easy and efficient and the erroneous or exceptional rows can be identified ...
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A major advantage of the use of partitions is that it allows efficient discovery of approximate dependencies. The algorithm is based on the levelwise algorithm ...
Efficient Discovery of Functional and Approximate Dependencies Using Partitions. Authors: Ykä Huhtala. Ykä Huhtala. View Profile. , Juha Kärkkäinen. Juha ...
We present Tane, an efficient algorithm for finding functional dependencies from large databases. Tane is based on partitioning the set of rows with respect to ...
Ykä Huhtala, Juha Kärkkäinen, Pasi Porkka, Hannu Toivonen : Efficient Discovery of Functional and Approximate Dependencies Using Partitions.
Discovery of functional and approximate functional dependencies in relational databases. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 7(1):49--59 ...
Given a set of attributes X, a partition of the table with respect to X is the set of all equivalence classes; i.e., ΠX = {E(tX) | t ∈ r}. Example 2.9. In ...